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Once installed, you can start using concrete-form right away, but here's the recommended setup.
We recommend to re-export each components.

Benefits of re-exporting

  • You app doesn't depend too much on Concrete-form (easy to remove or replace)
  • You can change the default behavior or add features globally to all your forms
  • You can create custom (not concrete-form related) form controls



export { default } from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form/Form'

export { default as LabelledControl } from '@concrete-form/html5/LabelledControl'
export { default as Input } from '@concrete-form/html5/Input'
export { default as DateTime } from '@concrete-form/html5/DateTime'
export { default as FileInput } from '@concrete-form/html5/FileInput'
export { default as Select } from '@concrete-form/html5/Select'
export { default as SingleCheckbox } from '@concrete-form/html5/SingleCheckbox'
export { default as Slider } from '@concrete-form/html5/Slider'
export { default as Textarea } from '@concrete-form/html5/Textarea'
export { default as ToggleSwitch } from '@concrete-form/html5/ToggleSwitch'
export { default as CheckboxGroup } from '@concrete-form/html5/CheckboxGroup'
export { default as RadioGroup } from '@concrete-form/html5/RadioGroup'
export { default as SubmitButton } from '@concrete-form/html5/SubmitButton'


You can now import controls like that on your project:

import Form, { Input, SubmitButton } from 'src/components/Form'


Here's how you can change default behavior of a control

import CfInput, { InputProps } from '@concrete-form/html5/Input'

export const Input: React.FC<InputProps> = ({ ...props }) => (
// your logic here