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HTML5 Controls API

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<Input />


an input of any type (text, number, password...). (text by default)
Render: <input />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import Input from '@concrete-form/html5/Input'

const Demo = () => (
<Input name="demo" placeholder="I'm an input" />

<Autocomplete />


Render: <input autocomplete="on" />


There is no rich autocomplete feature in HTML5. This control should be avoided when using HTML5.

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element.


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import Autocomplete from '@concrete-form/html5/Autocomplete'

const Demo = () => (
<Autocomplete name="demo" placeholder="I'm a boring autocomplete field" />

<DateTime />


a date, time or datetime picker. This control handles a date object.
Render: <input type="date" />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
type "date"
| "time"
| "datetime"
"date" Type of input to render
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import DateTime from '@concrete-form/html5/DateTime'

const Demo = () => (
date: <DateTime name="date" type="date" />
time: <DateTime name="time" type="time" />
datetime: <DateTime name="datetime" type="datetime" />

<FileInput />


a file(s) upload control
Render: <input type="file" />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import FileInput from '@concrete-form/html5/FileInput'

const Demo = () => (
<FileInput name="demo" />

<Select />


a select that handles single or multiple values
Render: <select />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
options object Options to render in the select*
allowEmpty boolean false if set to true, an empty option will be rendered on top.
children node An alternative to options. You can render your own HTML5 elements.
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element

*Options format


See controls options for full options specs.


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import Select from '@concrete-form/html5/Select'

const Demo = () => (
String options :
<Select name="select1" options={['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'biz']} />

Multiple select :
<Select name="select2" options={['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'biz']} multiple />

Labelled options :
<Select name="select3" options={[
{ label: 'First option', value: 'foo' },
{ label: 'Third option', value: 'baz', props: { disabled: true } },
]} />

Groups (allowEmpty) :
<Select name="select4" allowEmpty options={[
{ group: 'Group 1', options: ['bar', 'baz'] }
]} />

Childrens (allowEmpty) :
<Select name="select5" allowEmpty>
<option value="foo">Foo</option>
<option value="bar">Bar</option>
<option value="baz">Baz</option>
String options :
Multiple select :
Labelled options :
Groups (allowEmpty) :
Childrens (allowEmpty) :

<SingleCheckbox />


a single checkbox that is similar to a toggle switch. Perfect for terms and conditions. This control handles boolean values.
Render: <input type="checkbox" />


Great article about Checkbox vs Toggle Switch

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
label node Label of the checkbox
labelPosition "top"
| "bottom"
| "left"
| "right"
"right" Position of the label
containerProps object Forwarded to the container ( <label /> element).
The container contains the checkbox and the label.
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import SingleCheckbox from '@concrete-form/html5/SingleCheckbox'

const Demo = () => (
<SingleCheckbox name="demo" label={(
<>I accept the <a href="#void">terms and conditions</a>.</>
)} />

<Slider />


a slider to select a number within a range
Render: <input type="range" />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
label string Label
labelPosition "top"
| "bottom"
| "left"
| "right"
"top" Position of the label
containerProps object Forwarded to the container ( <label /> element).
The container contains the slider and the label.
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import Slider from '@concrete-form/html5/Slider'

const Demo = () => (
<Slider name="demo" min={10} max={90} label="Label of the slider" />

<Textarea />


a text input on multiple lines
Render: <textarea />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
{...props} object Forwarded to <textarea /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import Textarea from '@concrete-form/html5/Textarea'

const Demo = () => (
<Textarea name="demo" placeholder="I'm a textarea" />

<ToggleSwitch />


a boolean control that can be toggled on or off
Render: <input type="checkbox" />


Great article about Checkbox vs Toggle Switch


In HTML5, a toggle switch is a checkbox with CSS. You need to use our CSS import or create your own. Additionnaly, you can use the available props to customize each HTML elements.

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
label node Label
labelPosition "top"
| "bottom"
| "left"
| "right"
"right" Position of the label
containerProps object Forwarded to the container ( <label /> element).
The container contains the toggle switch and the label.
toggleSwitchContainerProps object Forwarded to the toggle switch container ( <label /> element).
The toggle switch container contains:
  • the hidden input ( <input /> )
  • and the moving slider ( <div /> element)
toggleSwitchSliderProps object Forwarded to the toggle switch moving part ( <div /> element)
{...props} object Forwarded to <input /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import ToggleSwitch from '@concrete-form/html5/ToggleSwitch'

const Demo = () => (
<ToggleSwitch name="demo" label="I'm a toggle switch" />
<ToggleSwitch name="disabled" disabled label="I'm a disabled toggle switch" />
<ToggleSwitch name="disabled-active" disabled label="I'm a disabled + active toggle switch" />

Control Groups

<CheckboxGroup />


a group of checkboxes
Render multiple: <input type="checkbox" />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
options object Options to render*
orientation "vertical"
| "horizontal"
"vertical" Orientation of the checkboxes
labelPosition "top"
| "bottom"
| "left"
| "right"
"right" Position of each label
itemContainerProps object
| function
Forwarded to every option container ( <label /> element).
The container contains the checkbox and the label.

Function: If a function is provided, that function will receive option's props (if available) and must return props for the item container.
itemLabelContainerProps object
| function
If provided, the label will be wrapped with a <div /> element with the given props.

Function: If a function is provided, that function will receive option's props (if available) and must return props for the label container.
{...props} object Forwarded to each <input /> element

*Options format


See controls options for full options specs.

  • Options props are forwarded to <input /> element.
  • Options groups are not supported.


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import CheckboxGroup from '@concrete-form/html5/CheckboxGroup'

const Demo = () => (
Vertical :
<CheckboxGroup name="demo-vertical" options={['foo', 'bar', 'baz']} />

<br /> Horizontal :
<CheckboxGroup name="demo-horizontal" orientation="horizontal" options={[
{ label: <span style={{ color: 'deeppink' }}>Foo</span>, value: 'foo' },
{ label: 'baz', value: 'baz', props: { disabled: true } },
]} />
Vertical :

Horizontal :

<RadioGroup />


a group of radio buttons
Render multiple: <input type="radio" />

name string Name of the control, forwarded to the form library
fieldProps object Forwarded to the form library when registering the field (if available)
options object Options to render*
orientation "vertical"
| "horizontal"
"vertical" Orientation of the checkboxes
labelPosition "top"
| "bottom"
| "left"
| "right"
"right" Position of each label
itemContainerProps object
| function
Forwarded to every option container ( <label /> element).
The container contains the radio and the label.

Function: If a function is provided, that function will receive option's props (if available) and must return props for the item container.
itemLabelContainerProps object
| function
If provided, the label will be wrapped with a <div /> element with the given props.

Function: If a function is provided, that function will receive option's props (if available) and must return props for the label container.
{...props} object Forwarded to each <input /> element

*Options format


See controls options for full options specs.

  • Options props are forwarded to <input /> element.
  • Options groups are not supported.


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import RadioGroup from '@concrete-form/html5/RadioGroup'

const Demo = () => (
Vertical :
<RadioGroup name="demo-vertical" options={['foo', 'bar', 'baz']} />

<br /> Horizontal :
<RadioGroup name="demo-horizontal" orientation="horizontal" options={[
{ label: <span style={{ color: 'deeppink' }}>Foo</span>, value: 'foo' },
{ label: 'baz', value: 'baz', props: { disabled: true } },
]} />
Vertical :

Horizontal :

Form Controls

<SubmitButton />


a submit button that displays a loading indicator while the form is submitting
Render <button type="submit" />


When submitting, this button will always be disabled. disableWhileSubmitting has no effect on this control. If the form contains errors, the button is also disabled.

displayLoading boolean true If true, a loading indicator is added to the label.
see loadingComponent below to customize what is appended.
loadingComponent node "..." Loading indicator to append to the label when the form is submitting
alternateLoadingContent node If provided, this replaces the whole label of the button when submitting.
children node Content of the <button />
{...props} object Forwarded to <button /> element


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import SubmitButton from '@concrete-form/html5/SubmitButton'

const wait = delay => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay))

const Demo = () => (
<Form onSubmit={() => wait(3000)}>


<LabelledControl />


a wrapper that helps you create a label with a control (horizontal or vertical layout)

label string Label
labelPosition top
| bottom
| left
| right
top Position of the label
children node Control to render
mainContainerProps object Forwarded to the main div container
labelContainerProps object Forwarded to the label div wrapper
controlContainerProps object Forwarded to the control div wrapper


import Form from '@concrete-form/react-hook-form'
import LabelledControl from '@concrete-form/html5/LabelledControl'
import Input from '@concrete-form/html5/Input'
import RadioGroup from '@concrete-form/html5/RadioGroup'
import SingleCheckbox from '@concrete-form/html5/SingleCheckbox'

const Demo = () => (
<LabelledControl label="Label linked to the control" labelPosition="left">
<Input name="demo-single" />

<LabelledControl label="Label NOT linked to the controls group" labelPosition="left">
<RadioGroup name="demo-group" options={['foo', 'bar', 'baz']} />

<LabelledControl label="Label NOT linked to boolean controls" labelPosition="left">
<SingleCheckbox name="demo-bool" label="THIS is the real label" />