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Controls List

This is the list of controls that are supported by each UI kit. Refer to the sidebar for specific documentation for each implementation.


All Controls need to be rendered inside a <Form /> component in order to learn how to interact with the form.


<Autocomplete />a select control that can be filtered by typing
<DateTime />a date picker, time picker or both
<FileInput />a file upload control
<Input />an input of any type (text, number, password, etc)
<Select />a select that handles single or multiple values
<SingleCheckbox />a boolean control (similar to toggle switch)
<Slider />a slider to select a number within a range
<Textarea />a text input on multiple lines
<ToggleSwitch />a boolean control that can be toggled on or off
<CustomControl />a control that lets you manipulate inputs and outputs

Controls group

<CheckboxGroup />a group of checkboxes
<RadioGroup />a group of radio buttons

Form Controls

<SubmitButton />a submit button that displays a spinner while submitting


<LabelledControl />a wrapper that helps you create a 2 columns form